We Commited improving

lives and has compassion at its core

Our Impact

We’ve worked on improving the lives of over 25,000 young people through direct practice.

Young people from different backgrounds have a huge impact on us and all our activities. They highlight those parts of the society that are broken, so we can help them in all possible ways to regain hope and flourish in life.

What we do

The Horyaal Hospital Foundation has worked to improve the health of vulnerable popula4ons in Somalia through the establishment of local health facilities.

Primary Eye Health

A charitable foundation engaged in primary eye health activities focuses on preventing and treating eye related issues in underserved communities. This may include providing vision screenings, distributing eyeglasses, conducting eye surgeries, and raising awareness about eye health and hygiene to combat preventable blindness and visual impairments.

Congenital Heart Defects

Horyaal foundation addresses congenital heart defects work to support individuals born with heart abnormalizes. Our activities often involve funding medical research, providing financial assistance for surgeries and treatments, offering emo4onal and educational support to affected families, and raising awareness about congenital heart defects to promote early diagnosis and intervention.

Congenital Limb Defects:

Horyaal Foundations is dedicated to congenital limb defects aim to improve the lives of individuals born with limb abnormalities. We offer prosthetic limbs, orthopedic surgeries, physical therapy, and emotional support to enhance mobility and quality of life for those affected. Additionally, our foundations may engage in awareness campaigns to reduce stigma and promote inclusion.

Burn Victims

Horyaal foundations for burn victims offer various forms of support to individuals who have suffered burn injuries. Our activities often include funding specialized medical care, reconstructive surgeries, psychological counseling, and rehabilitation services. Horyaal foundation may also educate the public about burn prevention and safety measures.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
Members Worldwide
0 K+
Children Helped
0 +
Funds Raised
$ 0 M+
Food Provided
0 T
Our Partners